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Tax Planning – Page 2 – Camuso CPA Skip to main content Skip to search

Archives for Tax Planning

eCommerce Business, 7 Employees, First $1M Per Year, $500K Net Profit

One of my clients just hit that.

You’re life changes.

It’s not the same.

You have all sorts of responsibility and all sorts of new opportunities.

Yes, you can do a few hundred thousand here or there, but once you hit these numbers.

You never go back.

And so… what do you have to do?

Well… many things.

Estate Planning… A Will?

Your whole tax situation changes…

And that’s what brings me to my point today.

IN just 37 minutes and a few dozen questions.

When I first met that client. I saved him $32,835 this year… And every year going forward (more if he grows).

Is that worth 37 minutes for you to check it out?

If so, then you should set up a time to speak directly with me here.

Watch This Video:

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3 Secrets of Tax Planning for eCommerce Businesses

Come in close.

You can’t tell anyone.

This is just going to be between us.

The first secret most people don’t realize.

Secret #1: You don’t have to be a multimillionaire to benefit from tax planning.

In fact, I’ve seen people who have less than $10,000 in REVENUE for their business benefit from tax planning.

All you need is a major life event. And BAM! There may be a need for tax planning.

Now that doesn’t mean I can guarantee you’ll save tens of thousands.

But it’s worth a checkup, click here to set up a time.

Secret #2: Just because you have an accountant (even if they’re a CPA), you’re probably not covered.

Most small business owners don’t realize, most accountants just prepare returns.

They don’t PLAN.

Think if it like a general doctor. Yes, they’re an MD.     

But can they do a spinal surgery? No.

You need a specialist.

Someone that specializes in tax reduction. Not tax preparation.

 Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

Secret #3: You can’t save money from previous years. Not in every case.

But in select circumstances…

We can actually retrieve tax money you’ve already sent the government. That’s right.

You sign up to work with me, and you could get a check back in a few days for 3-7x more!

While that’s 3 Secrets, there are so many more.

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

 Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order

I go over this in detail in the video below:

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Your eCommerce Business Overpaid by $17,345 in Taxes!

It’s sad but true.

If you missed simple strategies in 2019..

You may have overpaid by tens of thousands of dollars.

Now I can’t know for sure until I know where your business is at.

But if you’re making over $100,000 per year in gross sales.

You’re at risk.

We recently went through the largest tax change in over 30 years. If you haven’t don’t a full overhaul, we need to talk.

I went over a video about this in detail here:

The truth is…

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

All of these need to be re-assessed.

And I am going to show you how.

And we will walk through every step you need.

Do you want help with the tax planning process for your eCommerce business?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

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I Already Have A CPA For My eCommerce Business!

I know what you’re thinking….

I already have an accountant or CPA!

They do my taxes, so I’m covered.

Well…. when you hear this story…… let me just say…. Make sure you’re sitting down.

Do you want help with the tax planning process for your eCommerce business?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

I just had a client who did not want to switch accountants.

There CPA was a long-time family friend.

They finally said, ok. We’ll have you help us with tax planning.

But we want to keep our current accountant for tax preparation.

So they got started.

In just a few weeks, my friend found out they’d been overpaying in taxes by over $125,000. FOR YEARS!

Yes, this was a CPA. Yes, this was a friend.

But just because someone can prepare taxes, doesn’t mean they know how to PLAN.

And if you’re not 100% certain, isn’t it worth a few minutes of your time?

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

I went over this in detail in this video below:

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$23,000 In Yearly Tax Savings With 1 Strategy (Case Study Included)

Tax planning is a systematic process.

It is about looking at the BIG PICTURE.

We use a proven approach to systematically assess your business and tax code to ensure we consider every opportunity available to reduce your taxes.

Like one client we recently worked with.

One specific legal entity structuring strategy from the Tax Plan that we delivered to this client produced a yearly tax savings of $23,000.

With this company, we upgraded their single member LLC into an S-Corporation.

Do you want help with the tax planning process for your eCommerce business?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

That means just after assessing step number 1 for this eCommerce business they will save $23,000 per year.

Does your CPA have a structured tax planning process?

If you are only speaking to your CPA once per year during tax season you are overpaying in taxes by TENs OF THOUSANDS of DOLLARS. YEARLY.

You need a proactive CPA with a proven tax planning system for eCommerce businesses.

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

I went over this in detail in this video:

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eCommerce Is A Cut-Throat Competition, Don’t Give Up Your Financial Edge

Each week I have strategy sessions with eCommerce business owners, and all too often discover that they are leaving thousands on the table.

Every single year.

When you are competing as an eCommerce business you cannot leave any opportunity on the table.

You are competing in a highly competitive marketplace known for low margins, high competition and a rapidly developing business landscape.

You need every edge you can get to ensure your success over your competitors and to gain market share.

These overlooked opportunities represent funds you can use to grow your business.

More importantly, these are funds that your competitors may be using to grow their business if they have properly designed and implemented a tax plan.

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

Any serious business needs a properly designed and implemented tax plan.

There are many who miss the opportunity to take advantage of the tax benefits the government has in place.

These tax benefits make it possible to legally reduce your taxes to accelerate the growth of your wealth.

I recently delivered a tax plan to an eCommerce business owner.

After we implement the tax strategies, we outlined in our tax plan, the business will save $46,700 on taxes.


That yearly savings reinvested back into the business at only an 8% return will yield $2,308,248 over the next 20 years.

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

Without additional sales, products, or marketing campaigns we were able to add over $2 Million to this business’s bottom-line.

If we placed this business in competition with itself pre-tax plan and post-tax plan, the post-tax plan business would have an extra $2,308,248 to grow their marketing, sales, products and overall company.

Which business would be more successful if competing in the same market vertical?

Do not give your competition the edge they need to take your market share by neglecting to proactively plan for taxes.

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

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When I Get Angry at eCommerce Businesses AND CPA’s (Avoid This Mistake While You Still Have Time)

During the first quarter of every year I find myself frustrated.

Frustrated with eCommerce business owners and CPA’s.

It is unavoidable that a new business will reach out to our firm because they are not confident about their current tax strategies or CPA.

After a detailed strategy session, I am able to determine how and where they are overpaying in taxes due to lack of strategic planning.

This means yet another taxpayer will overpay the IRS due to lack of planning for the current tax year.

This is because, once the year ends there is not much to be done other than to accurately file your taxes and proactively plan to do better this upcoming year.

I recently delivered a tax plan to an eCommerce business that resulted in a YEARLY tax savings of over $31,000.

This business owner was clearly unhappy with their last CPA since they had been overpaying their taxes for the last 4 years by $31,000.

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one stragety session.

eCommerce business owners need to be proactive anytime they work with service providers to ensure they get the expertise and attention they need.

CPA’s should not be overlooking tax opportunities.

CPA’s need to structure their workflows to provide proactive advice to their clients to minimize their taxes and protect their assets

But business owners have to own their financial and business responsibilities when assessing service providers.

This mean knowing the difference between tax preparation and tax planning.

You have to ensure that your business gets the services, advice, and expertise required for your financial success.

This business owner realized that their tax return did not cost the $500 in fees they paid their CPA.

Instead, it costs them $124,000 in overlooked tax opportunities.

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one stragety session.

But is this the business owners’ fault or the CPA’s fault?

Probably both.

Most CPA firms focus on tax preparation not proactive tax planning.

So, when this CPA filed the business owner’s taxes, they got the service they paid for.

But not the service they needed.

Serious eCommerce businesses need proactive tax advice in the form of a tax plan.

1. If you are not confident that you are not overpaying in taxes, you probably are
2. If you only speak to your CPA 1-2 times per year during March or April, you are probably overpaying in taxes

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Strategies that put thousands of dollars back into your eCommerce business.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

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Everyday Activities That Increase TAX SAVINGS for eCommerce Businesses

Almost everything you do can have an impact on your taxes.

The key is planning your business and life to ensure that you take the right steps to make sure you lower your taxes.

Those who are most successful in their tax planning make it a part of their normal activities.

A tax strategy is not a one-time event.

It is something should become part of your routine.

Here are a few examples of everyday activities that can impact your taxes:

✔️Paying expenses

✔️Receiving money from an entity you own

✔️Putting money into an entity you own

✔️Having a meeting with partners, vendors or advisors

✔️Buying or selling inventory

✔️Having a discussion about your business

✔️Working with spouses or children

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Strategies that put thousands of dollars back into your eCommerce business.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

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2 Simple Rules That Will Significantly Reduce Your eCommerce Business Taxes

Rule #1: The Government Wants You To Reduce Your Taxes

99% of the tax code exists for the purpose of saving you money.

If the tax code was created just for you to pay taxes it would be 10-15 pages rather than 70,000+ pages.

All the tax code really is  a series of stimulus packages designed by politicians to provide cash flow to businesses that structure their operations strategically.

All you have to do is learn the rules.

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

Rule #2: Be Proactive with Planning

Politicians think about taxes every day.

Most eCommerce business owners think about taxes once per year. Sadly, this is true even for most CPA’s.

The complexity of the tax law is really aimed at reducing your taxes, not increasing them.

But there is one vert important catch.

Business owners need to plan in advance to capture the tax opportunities included in the tax code.

If you wait until tax season to consider your taxes and strategies like most unsuspecting taxpayers, you are too late.

Don’t play the game wrong.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

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My Top Tax Deduction for eCommerce Businesses!

I get this question frequently when speaking with eCommerce business owners about taxes.

The truth is tax planning really isn’t about a special tax deduction.

Although, I can probably find many valuable deductions that you are overlooking.

Tax planning is about looking at the BIG PICTURE.

Do you want help with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

You may or may not be aware of some specific tax planning tools that are available to you as an ecommerce business owner.

Most likely some of the tax planning pillars you probably have under control.

But optimizing your business is about looking at the big picture.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

You need to ensure you are considering all of the available tax strategies that apply to your current business and future business goals.

I would be willing to bet that 1 to 2 components of your tax plan are out of order or not being considered EVEN if you already have a CPA.

This is leaving TENS (if not hundreds) of THOUSANDS of dollars on the table.

Every year.

Do you want us to help you with the tax planning process?

Schedule a one-on-one consultation.

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