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Tax Planning – Camuso CPA Skip to main content Skip to search

Archives for Tax Planning

Scale Your Tax Savings

The tax law favors business owners.

As you continue to grow your business you continue to further reduce your taxes.

This is only true if you have a properly designed and implemented tax plan.

There are many who miss the opportunity to take advantage of the tax benefits the government has in place.

These tax benefits make it very possible to legally reduce your taxes to accelerate the growth of your wealth.

Do not prolong your path to financial freedom by neglecting to proactively plan for taxes.

I go over this in detail in the video below.

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

 ✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Contact me and my team today to schedule a one-on-one initial strategy call today to discuss your business.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here to get your tax planning accounting process in order:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Important Factor In Your Tax Planning System

One of the most important steps in maintaining a tax strategy is protecting your bottom-line.

This means implementing and maintaining a system that provides proper documentation to ensure the accuracy of the information you provide your CPA for tax reporting.

This will enable you to protect your tax savings and avoid unnecessary penalties and interest.

This will also help to maximize your tax deductions by ensuring no transactions are overlooked.

Are you maintaining a proper documentation and accounting system?

Set up a time to speak directly with me here to get your tax planning accounting process in order:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

This is imperative to protect your tax savings and avoid unnecessary penalties and interest.

I go over this in detail in the video below.

Some areas to focus on to improve your documentation are:

  1. Ensuring your books are always update and reconciled at least monthly
  2. Scan and store all receipts electronically
  3. List the business activities performed in your home office
  4. Calculate and Document the percentage of your home used for home your office
  5. Track and Document your business miles in a mileage log throughout the year on at least a monthly basis to support the business use of your vehicle

Contact me and my team today to schedule a one-on-one initial strategy call today to discuss your business.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here to get your tax planning accounting process in order:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Are Taxes Are An After Thought? The IRS Cashes In On This!

In the early stages for investors and businesses cash flow is often one of the more challenging aspects to manage as you are building your reputation and pipeline.

As a result, investing in a properly designed and implemented tax plan often gets deferred to the future.

The problem is that all too often this temporary postponement turns permanent.

I go over this in detail in the video below.

There is a lot that goes into managing a business and often taxes are left as an afterthought when it comes to file each tax season.

As your continue to grow your eCommerce business any overlooked tax opportunities grow in size along with your business.

The best part is, increasing your tax savings immediately improves your cash flow.

Do not neglect you tax plan at the cost of your business and finances.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Worried About Your CPA?

All too often I hear from prospective clients that their CPA doesn’t seem to have enough time for them.

Or that they had to pull tax planning strategies out of them rather than being advised on their specific circumstances.

If that is the case contact our team today.

We are proactive when working with clients on tax planning.

We have a proven tax planning system and structured check-in process to ensure we have consistent communication throughout the year.

You will not find a firm more responsive than ours when dealing with day to day matters.

I go over this in the video below.

Contact our team today to build a comprehensive tax plan.

If you are not proactive and wait until after tax season you will be too late.

Do not send Uncle Sam a tip this year when you file your taxes!

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

 ✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Make Your eCommerce Business Audit Proof

When it comes to audit risk, there are two factors to consider:

  1. There’s the risk of being audited
  2.  If you are audited, there’s the risk that adjustments will be made resulting in increased taxes, plus penalties and interest

Proper tax planning and tax return preparation can provide you with tremendous control over this factor.

When done right, identifying legal tax saving opportunities actually helps reduce your audit risk.

The key to tax planning is being proactive.

If you wait until tax season to address your tax plan, most likely, you are too late.

Contact our team today to build a comprehensive tax plan.

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

The fear of a tax audit can make people do funny things.

I’ve seen people give up thousands in legal tax savings to hopefully avoid the possibility of an audit.

Many times at the advice of their CPA!

I go over this in the video below.

I regularly have clients tell me their prior tax adviser told them not to take a particular deduction because the deduction wasn’t worth the audit risk.

Then there’s the other side who take deductions they are unsure of and hope they don’t get audited.

Working with an CPA on tax planning will ensure that you legally minimize you taxes as much as possible while protecting against and audit.

Tax planning and tax preparation are two separate activities despite what many business owners think.

Building a dedicated tax plan is foundational to any serious wealth strategy whether you are an investor or business owner.

Contact our team today to build a comprehensive tax plan.

If you are not proactive and wait until after tax season you will be too late.

Do not send Uncle Sam a tip this year when you file your taxes!

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Eliminate Your Biggest eCommerce Expense!

Taxes are usually the biggest or one of the biggest expenses for businesses.

As a result, a properly designed and implemented tax plan can be one of your most profitable investments.

You may often hear myself or other CPA’s speaking about tax planning.

What does that mean?

Tax planning is focused on organizing your business, investments and life to pay the least amount of taxes as legally possible in the FUTURE.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order. 

👇I recorded a video going over this. 

Many people believe they are getting tax planning when they are getting is tax preparation.

When you get your tax return prepared your CPA is focused on accurately and timely fling your tax return based on your HISTORICAL information.

Tax Planning is a structured process designed to protect your assets and minimize your taxes which focuses on:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure 
✔️ Accounting Method Optimization 
✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments 
✔️ Retirement 
✔️ Insurance 
✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes 
✔️ Recent regulatory change 
✔️ Niche specific strategies 
✔️ Advanced planning strategies 

Do not leave money on the table.

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

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Ecommerce Business Owners: How Often Do You Speak To Your CPA?

One of the most important steps in maintaining a tax strategy is maintaining an active dialogue with your CPA.

Does your CPA have a structured process in place to ensure you are communicating properly throughout the entire year?

It is not only imperative to design and implement a tax plan for your eCommerce business.

You need to speak with your CPA regularly.


1.     Your business is constantly changing
2.     Your industry is constantly changing
3.     The tax laws are constantly changing.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order. 

👇I recorded a video going over this. 

The tax code is your map to wealth creation.

It shows you how to reduce your taxes and amount huge amounts of cash flow.

Leverage your CPA’s knowledge to open a whole new world to what is legally tax deductible. 

Understanding exactly what you need to do to legally claim your deductions means that even if you are audited, you have followed the rules and minimized the likelihood of having any audit adjustments. 

Do not overpay in taxes or expose yourself to unnecessary risks – EVERY TAX YEAR!

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure 
✔️ Accounting Method Optimization 
✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments 
✔️ Retirement 
✔️ Insurance 
✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes 
✔️ Recent regulatory change 
✔️ Niche specific strategies 
✔️ Advanced planning strategies 

Do not leave money on the table.

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

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Politicians Think About Taxes Daily! Why eCommerce Businesses Are Losing.

The majority of the tax law is actually intended to reduce your taxes – not increase it.

If you follow the rules, you should enjoy legal tax deductions and be well-prepared for an audit.

These are the rules and legislation that we see our politicians arguing about on a daily basis.

They focus on this daily because this will shape our country’s future.

But also, your business’s future!

The challenge most people have with this is they don’t know the rules.

Most also have no interest in reading the tax law to learn them.

This is why you need a great CPA on your team.

More importantly a CPA that is focused on proactively planning with you for taxes.

You need a plan, do not be reactive when you go to file this March or April.

The tax law is a series of stimulus packages for business owners.

The government wants to provide jobs and housing. 

To encourage others to do this for them, the government provides tremendous tax benefits to those who provide jobs (business owners) and those who provide housing.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order. 

👇I recorded a video going over this. 

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure 
✔️ Accounting Method Optimization 
✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments 
✔️ Retirement 
✔️ Insurance 
✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes 
✔️ Recent regulatory change 
✔️ Niche specific strategies 
✔️ Advanced planning strategies 

Do not leave money on the table.

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

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Business Owners Work 2.5 Hours Daily For Uncle Sam. Save Your eCommerce Business Time & Money

Building wealth is not about what you MAKE, but what you KEEP.
The average taxpayer spends 2.5 hours a day working to pay their taxes.

Stop and think about that when you go into the office on Monday.

2.5 HOURS.

Time IS Money!

Taxes don’t just steal your money, they steal your time.

Make sure you take your wealth seriously and are being proactive in your plans to legally minimize your tax liabilities.

Without a foundational tax strategy, taxes can easily drain a person’s wealth and their ability to build wealth.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

👇I recorded a video going over this.

A tax strategy that legally reduces your taxes protects your wealth and puts money in your pocket.

Your CPA should be focused on helping your protect and create wealth. 

Not just file your tax return or handle your accounting although this is still also imperative.

And, a properly designed tax strategy will protect your tax savings by having you well-prepared for an audit.

Do not wait until tax season to think about your taxes.

Most tax strategies need to be implemented well before year-end never mind tax season.

Contact me or my team today to discuss your business and tax planning approach.

Do not leave money on the table.

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

 ✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Read more

How An eCommerce Business will save $3.2M from my tax plan

I know that sounds like a lot. But what’s funny?

He only save $12,000 per year. That’s $1,000 per month.

So how will he make 3.2M?

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

👇I recorded a video going over this.

Age: 40

Retirement Age: 70 Current Savings: $0 Monthly Savings $1,000 Rate of Return: $12%

And there you have it.

That will be 3.2M assuming….

-No growth in income
-No growth in savings
-No growth in return rate
-No reduction in expenses Just a tax plan with me?

Want one too?

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

Set up a time to speak directly with me here for a free strategy session to get your tax planning process in order.

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