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admin – Camuso CPA Skip to main content Skip to search

Posts by admin

Scale Your Tax Savings

The tax law favors business owners.

As you continue to grow your business you continue to further reduce your taxes.

This is only true if you have a properly designed and implemented tax plan.

There are many who miss the opportunity to take advantage of the tax benefits the government has in place.

These tax benefits make it very possible to legally reduce your taxes to accelerate the growth of your wealth.

Do not prolong your path to financial freedom by neglecting to proactively plan for taxes.

I go over this in detail in the video below.

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

 ✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Contact me and my team today to schedule a one-on-one initial strategy call today to discuss your business.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here to get your tax planning accounting process in order:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Important Factor In Your Tax Planning System

One of the most important steps in maintaining a tax strategy is protecting your bottom-line.

This means implementing and maintaining a system that provides proper documentation to ensure the accuracy of the information you provide your CPA for tax reporting.

This will enable you to protect your tax savings and avoid unnecessary penalties and interest.

This will also help to maximize your tax deductions by ensuring no transactions are overlooked.

Are you maintaining a proper documentation and accounting system?

Set up a time to speak directly with me here to get your tax planning accounting process in order:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

This is imperative to protect your tax savings and avoid unnecessary penalties and interest.

I go over this in detail in the video below.

Some areas to focus on to improve your documentation are:

  1. Ensuring your books are always update and reconciled at least monthly
  2. Scan and store all receipts electronically
  3. List the business activities performed in your home office
  4. Calculate and Document the percentage of your home used for home your office
  5. Track and Document your business miles in a mileage log throughout the year on at least a monthly basis to support the business use of your vehicle

Contact me and my team today to schedule a one-on-one initial strategy call today to discuss your business.

Set up a time to speak directly with me here to get your tax planning accounting process in order:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Are Taxes Are An After Thought? The IRS Cashes In On This!

In the early stages for investors and businesses cash flow is often one of the more challenging aspects to manage as you are building your reputation and pipeline.

As a result, investing in a properly designed and implemented tax plan often gets deferred to the future.

The problem is that all too often this temporary postponement turns permanent.

I go over this in detail in the video below.

There is a lot that goes into managing a business and often taxes are left as an afterthought when it comes to file each tax season.

As your continue to grow your eCommerce business any overlooked tax opportunities grow in size along with your business.

The best part is, increasing your tax savings immediately improves your cash flow.

Do not neglect you tax plan at the cost of your business and finances.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Worried About Your CPA?

All too often I hear from prospective clients that their CPA doesn’t seem to have enough time for them.

Or that they had to pull tax planning strategies out of them rather than being advised on their specific circumstances.

If that is the case contact our team today.

We are proactive when working with clients on tax planning.

We have a proven tax planning system and structured check-in process to ensure we have consistent communication throughout the year.

You will not find a firm more responsive than ours when dealing with day to day matters.

I go over this in the video below.

Contact our team today to build a comprehensive tax plan.

If you are not proactive and wait until after tax season you will be too late.

Do not send Uncle Sam a tip this year when you file your taxes!

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

We cover the following aspects of your business and more during the tax planning process:

✔️ Legal Entity Structure

✔️ Accounting Method Optimization

✔️ Sales Tax and Other Compliance Assessments


✔️ Retirement

✔️ Insurance

✔️ Legal Tax Loopholes

✔️ Recent regulatory change

 ✔️ Niche specific strategies

✔️ Advanced planning strategies

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Make Your eCommerce Business Audit Proof

When it comes to audit risk, there are two factors to consider:

  1. There’s the risk of being audited
  2.  If you are audited, there’s the risk that adjustments will be made resulting in increased taxes, plus penalties and interest

Proper tax planning and tax return preparation can provide you with tremendous control over this factor.

When done right, identifying legal tax saving opportunities actually helps reduce your audit risk.

The key to tax planning is being proactive.

If you wait until tax season to address your tax plan, most likely, you are too late.

Contact our team today to build a comprehensive tax plan.

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

The fear of a tax audit can make people do funny things.

I’ve seen people give up thousands in legal tax savings to hopefully avoid the possibility of an audit.

Many times at the advice of their CPA!

I go over this in the video below.

I regularly have clients tell me their prior tax adviser told them not to take a particular deduction because the deduction wasn’t worth the audit risk.

Then there’s the other side who take deductions they are unsure of and hope they don’t get audited.

Working with an CPA on tax planning will ensure that you legally minimize you taxes as much as possible while protecting against and audit.

Tax planning and tax preparation are two separate activities despite what many business owners think.

Building a dedicated tax plan is foundational to any serious wealth strategy whether you are an investor or business owner.

Contact our team today to build a comprehensive tax plan.

If you are not proactive and wait until after tax season you will be too late.

Do not send Uncle Sam a tip this year when you file your taxes!

Schedule a one-on-one consultation at the link below:

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Top 3 Profit KPI’s for eCommerce Businesses

The decisions that you make as a business owner will decide the fate of your business, family, and overall life.

Everything that you do in your business should be planned and measured.

There are tons of different KPI’s, financial ratios, and benchmarks we can use to diagnose and assess your business to drive key financial outcomes.

Below I go over three fundamental profit KPI’s that every eCommerce business owner should be constantly monitoring.

  1. Gross Margin Rate

It is essential to understand and track gross margin on a per product and per sales channel basis.

This will drive key business decisions regarding profitability and allow for benchmarking against your peers.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

Your Gross Margin Rate is:

(Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold) / Revenue

It is key to have an accounting system that accurately tracks cost of goods sold per product and per sales channel basis.

  • Average Order Value

Your average order value (AOV) is the average amount of money each of your customers spends per order.

Your Average Order Value Is

Sales/Total Number of Sales

The Average Order Value multiplied by your Gross Margin Rate show your average margin per order.

This will drive your marketing decisions since this will show how much you can afford to spend on new customers to keep their first order profitable.

  • Customer Lifetime Value

Customer Lifetime Value it is how much the buyers contribute to your business from the first order they place to the last.

The more valuable your customers are over the course of their relationship with your brand, the higher your return on investments made in advertising and customer acquisition.

At Camuso CPA, we partner with your company to not only handle your basic accounting but to provide ACTIONABLE and PROACTIVE financial insights that improve your business and increase your profits.

If you’re ready to take the next step in scaling your eCommerce business, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Sherman Case Study: Cautionary Financial Lesson for eCommerce Businesses

When you are a business owner you are solely responsible for your financial future.

Without having a strong accounting system AND financial system implemented in your business you are destined for failure.

This means that you have to have a strong accounting foundation.

But also, key financial data and key performance indicators that allow you to understand your business finances.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

Case Study

Founder Jody Sherman was able to get $1 million in startup funding.

Unfortunately, he was not an CPA or CFO and, in fact, did not even hire a controller until 2011.

While revenues were solid and growing, the cost of getting those revenues meant the company was losing money.

When an additional $12 million was needed to turn around and scale, investors walked away – they were getting no return on their investments.

In 2013, the company went into bankruptcy.

According to the company’s controller, the company’s aggressive discount culture and Sherman’s lack of financial knowledge dwindled away the company’s account to nothing.

This is why gross profit margin is critical because it immediately gives you an overview of how your current revenue is impacting the rest of your business, and whether it is doing so at a profit or a loss.

This is one of many key financial metrics you should be constantly monitoring and improving.

This has a far-reaching impact on your strategic and tactical options for how to run your business.

Yes, revenue matters but it is not what you make that matters it is what you keep.

We’re here to partner with you to take your company to the next level!

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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eCommerce Businesses: The Only 2 Ways To Increase eCommerce Gross Margins

Gross profit margin is a key metric for eCommerce business owners to manage.

Gross margin is a two-part equation.

To improve gross margins for your e-commerce store, you can either increase your revenue per product or decrease the cost of each sale.

To increase revenue, you have to find opportunities to increase prices or average order value.

The specific strategies you should use here will be specific to your business circumstances.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

Some examples include:

  • Add a recurring element to your sales to create repeat customers
  • Improve Your Product
  • Upgrade Packaging
  • Product Bundling & Discount Strategies to increase average order value

Decreasing your cost of goods sold is more difficult but possible.

The specific strategies you should use here will be specific to your business circumstances.

Some examples include:

  • Supplier negotiations for lower pricing
  • Reducing shipping cost
  • Reducing warehousing costs

Two keys to understanding and improving gross profit margin is gathering and interpreting data.

That is why it is key to invest in proper inventory management system to understand your inventory costs which compromise your cost of goods sold.

Additionally, you need to properly track your variable costs separately including freight, import, manufacturing costs, packaging and shipping.

This all should be tracked per each product, sales channel and customer.

We’re here to partner with you to take your company to the next level!

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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eCommerce Businesses: Gross Margins Can Make Or Break Your Business

Gross profit margin is a key metric for eCommerce business owners to manage.

Do you know your gross profit margin per product, sales channel and customer?

This can make or break your business.

Unfortunately, I know most of you will not have these key KPI’s integrated into your accounting and financial system.

Gross profit margin is critical because it immediately gives you an overview of how your current revenue is impacting the rest of your business, and whether it is doing so at a profit or a loss.

This has a far-reaching impact on your strategic and tactical options for how to run your business.

Yes, revenue matters but it is not what you make that matters it is what you keep.

Gross margin should not be confused with net margin which includes your overhead costs.

Gross margin tells you whether your e-commerce store is making a profit on each product that you sell.

Now, if you make a gross profit on each product, but you have a negative net profit, that means that the overhead and marketing costs are too high.

That also means that if you scale your revenue and your customer base, your overhead costs would grow less and you would grow into profitability.

What does it matter to have a business doing $1M, $5M or $10M if you have razor thin profit margins?

If you’re ready to take the next step in scaling your eCommerce business, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

Consider the below example:

Company A:

Monthly Revenue: $100,000

Gross Profit Margin: 15%

Gross Profit: $15,000

Company B:

Monthly Revenue: $30,000

Gross Profit Margin: 50%

Gross Profit: $15,000

In this example Company A and Company B make the same profit but Company B does so with only 30% of the revenue of Company A.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

The key is first understanding and monitoring your gross profit per product, sales channel and customers.

Then you can take this data and benchmark it against your industry.

Finally, we can focus on strategies to improve this significantly.

We’re here to partner with you to take your company to the next level!

If you’re ready to take the next step, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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Products, Customers AND Sales Channels

One consistent trend that I see is that business owners do not focus on their accounting function until it is too late.

It is unbelievable how many serious business owners do not consistently and frequently review their financials.

Even more frequently, eCommerce business owners are not tracking their accounting data properly to make key financial decision.

This is step number 1 in scaling your eCommerce business.

You need to understand your income and expenses per each product, customer, and sales channel that you sell.

Additionally, you need to properly track your variable costs separately including freight, import, manufacturing costs, packaging and shipping.

We improved one of our recent new clients accounting systems to track this level of granular financial detail in their financial statements.  

This allowed us to then benchmark their key financial data and make improvements in their pricing which lead to an increase of 5.2% or $52,000.

👇 I recorded a video going over this below

Are you managing this properly?

Or are you overlooking your finances?

If you fall into this category check your books.

Are they reconciled?

Do they balance?

Is your financial. data detailed, clear, and actionable?

If the answer is no, this is a serious problem.

At Camuso CPA, we partner with your company to not only handle your basic accounting but to provide ACTIONABLE and PROACTIVE financial insights that improve your business and increase your profits.

If you’re ready to take the next step in scaling your eCommerce business, book your 1-on-1 meeting with me TODAY!

>> Click here to apply for your Strategy Session Now <<

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